

“Thank you for your help with the TPI program. I’m amazed at the results after a few short months. As you know I just returned from a weekend golf trip which was my first opportunity to put the TPI Program to the test. My drives increased in distance by 20+ yards and I was able to play 72 holes in 3 days with virtually no back pain. I recommend your program for anyone looking to increase their physical ability to play golf or just have an athletic program to get in shape. I can’t wait to move into the next phase of training.”

Brett Weisberg

“As a 55+ aged golfer my body started to betray my game. After a few short months working under Bill guidance and some dedication my flexibility, mobility, stability is better now then it was at 40. After a year my length has returned and ball striking is better than ever. The best part is not only is my game better but I have found great friends and partners in Bill and his team.”

Chuck K

“While working with Bill, Alex and Jonathan Liu have improved their golf games and achieved new levels of success in competition in 2012.

Neither took any golf lessons this year, so much of their better play can be attributed to their golf fitness sessions with Bill.

Alex Liu defeated Liz Haines 7&6 in the 36 hole final to win the Women’s Golf of Association of Philadelphia (WGAP) Amateur Championship on July 20th. This is the most prestigious individual WGAP event of the year. To get to the championship match she defeated Kerry Rutan and Catherine Elliott in the quarter- and semifinal rounds, respectively. She was also the medalist (73) in qualifying. The list of previous champions is quite impressive and includes Glenna Collett Vare, Helen Sigel, Nancy Porter, Liz Haines, and Meghan Bolger (Stasi). Many women who have known Alex for years commented how far she is hitting the ball now – at least 20 yards more on the tee shots and 10 yards more on her iron shots.

Jonathan Liu recently shot 76 in a recent AJGA qualifier, 71 in a Commonwealth National junior match, 76 in the GAP Jock MacKenzie,

80-73 at the GAP Christman Cup, and 76 at a Philly junior PGA event.

He has gained distance and accuracy with the driver and is experiencing more solid ball striking with the irons, hybrids, and 3-wood.”

Grant Liu

“What started as a simple conversation about how many lessons would be redundant; Billy and TPI have showed me there are physical barriers to overcome in order to improve. With Billy’s hands on technique and TPI knowledge you can knock down those barriers in order to achieve your goals. ”

Ken Peart, PGA Professional, Squires Country Club

“Physical fitness is quickly becoming one of the most talked about and studied subjects in the world of golf and one look at the number one player in the world will tell you how important it has become to take care of your body in order to get the most out of the game. 18 weeks ago I got tested through the Titleist Performance Institute to analyze the physical limitations that were affecting my ability to make a proper golf swing and I was amazed at the accuracy in which my trainer was able to, without ever seeing me swing a golf club, assess where I would have trouble with the swing. The biggest problem that I discovered about my body was my inability to fully get through the ball and get to my left side. An incomplete turn through the ball is the cause for a number of swing faults that I have struggled with for most of my golfing career. It was very revealing that I could be making a perfect swing and the only thing that was holding me back was the fact that my left side was simply not in the condition that it needed to be to allow me to complete the swing.After my brief analysis, I was given a series of exercises to perform that were tailor fitted to eliminate the limitations of my physical conditioning. As I progressed through the program, my exercises continued to change and increase in intensity until the problems that were present at my initial analysis were gone. I can see a noticeable difference in my strength, flexibility, and most importantly on my scorecard. After 18 weeks, I am confident that I have done everything I can to ensure that my conditioning will not hinder my swing in any way which gives me the confidence needed to perform at my best. It is a great feeling to get rid of the weak push-slice I have struggled with for so long simply because I am strong and flexible enough to release through the ball and get to a proper finishing position.The TPI System when coupled with instruction from your pro gives you the best chance that I can see at improving your scores and making the game as enjoyable as it can be. ”

Eric Fromm – PGA Professional